Monday, February 7, 2011

Project316 has Preteens Fighting the Good Fight...and Winning!

No offense to anyone, but I'm sold out on the idea, and belief, that today's preteen, if properly prepared and motivated, can and will be the HOPE for this nation returning to "One Nation Under God"!

If I didn't believe this, I would stop working to inspire them to spiritual greatness. If I hadn't seen preteens taking over their world, and introducing their communities to a personal and lasting relationship with Jesus, I'd close down Project316 and move on.

But when you watch two 9 year olds', at a Project316 rally, share the gospel with their friend, and have her choose Jesus as the Lord of her life. And, when you've inspired a 10 year old at a rally one year, and have him return the next year only to tell you, "I'm running out of friends to invite to church," you are motivated to keep teaching them to "Fight the Good Fight!"

Project316 ( is dedicated to Motivating, Training and Encouraging preteens and young believers to take the salvation message found in John 3:16 to their world any way they can. Whether by direct conversation, inviting them to church, a camp, a conference, an event or giving them materials to read or view, we look to provide any opportunity for them to take on the role of "Kid-evangelist," and they are jumping at the chance!

We even challenge them to reach at least one person, a "Dare To Care Person" on, or before, March 16th of each year, a day we now claim as "Dare To Care Day," The National Day of Outreach for Kids.

The concept is so simple and kid friendly...Share John 3:16 (316) by March 16 (316)...thus Project316.

In 2010, 1500+ people signed up at and challenges themselves to "Dare To Care". In 2011, we already have over 600 sign ups, and it's only January! Preteens have started a movement, and you can help them!

Help your students become the spiritual giants they long to be, and let them win back their world for God!

Invite us to come out and share the message of Project316 with your church, school, students, groups, etc. Host a rally! Dare To Care!!!

Contact Keith Poletiek direct at 951.201.2611

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